Your Next Laptop: Our Latest Roundup

With your stimulus check in hand (or “in the mail), you might be tempted to shop laptop upgrades. Purchasing a new MacBook cover sleeve or buying a USB C converter for your laptop may both be good “upgrade” options, but you should consider buying a completely different laptop. Whether it’s outdated, has run out of […]
Selling Your Phone: the Prep Work

Have you thought about selling your phone? Maybe you’re looking to upgrade to that shiny iPhone X everyone is talking about, or maybe you’re ready to downsize on the screen with a model like the iPhone 12 Mini. Or perhaps you’re just ready for something different (Google Pixel 5, anyone?). No matter the reason why […]
All It Takes is a Swipe: Saving Time with the iPhone 12’s Swiping Features

Newer iPhone models have eliminated the Home button and replaced it with gesture-based navigation via swiping and touching, and the iPhone 12 is no exception. The new swiping features are—we have to admit—extremely efficient, time-saving, and most importantly fun! In this blog, we’ll dive into each feature and discuss how it will make your iPhone […]
Top 5 Messaging Apps in 2021

The want and need for messaging platforms has significantly increased in 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has prevented friends and family from seeing each other, making phone calls, video calls, and text messages some of the only ways people can communicate. With countless messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram to choose from, how do you decide […]
Tech Talk: The New Razer Blade 15 Base Edition Small Gaming Laptop

Remember what gaming used to be like? Text-based games, still images, plain colors, and a blocky, basic design? Nowadays, rapidly evolving technology has made games nearly lifelike. Old games like The Oregon Trail, Zoo Tycoon, and Tomb Raider have all been updated for contemporary eyes. Many nostalgic gamers, however, still play the original versions. Others […]
Why You Should Buy a Used Phone Instead of a New One

Shopping for a new phone? Everyone knows how stressful the phone buying process can be. These days, there are so many brands, sizes, and features to choose from. Most phone buyers will immediately choose to purchase a brand new phone without considering the other option—a certified pre-owned phone. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top […]
Laptop Water Damage – How to Fix It Fast!

Spill water, coffee, or another liquid on your laptop and have no idea what to do? Well, first things first—don’t panic! That being said, time is of the essence if your laptop has water damage, no matter what kind it is (Macbook, Lenovo, or desktop). In this blog, we’ll discuss quick, step by step, at-home […]
New Year, New…Phone?

Just a few more days and it’s 2021 and with it comes the old adage ‘New year, New me’. So does this mean a phone upgrade is imminent? Well, newer isn’t always better. And with a barrage of new smartphones hitting the market, there are almost too many options to consider. With flagship phone brands […]
Samsung Earbuds vs. Apple Airpods

If you own a smartphone, you’re probably aware of the notorious Android vs. Apple debate. The debate covers far more than just smartphones, however; in fact, for dedicated Android and Apple users, it extends all the way to the Samsung Galaxy Buds and the Apple AirPods. In this blog, we’ll discuss and compare the features […]
Should I Get My Smartphone Battery Replaced?
You’ve probably noticed that your phone battery begins to drain more quickly as your phone ages. When you first purchase the phone, you hardly ever have to hook it up to its charger. But the more you use it and the older it gets, the shorter its battery lifespan becomes. As soon as this happens, […]